Friday, November 20, 2009

A camera, a box and a cave

Today, I watched 3 movies straight in a row! I've been meaning to watch a movie but never had the time, so when I had, I made the most of it. You see, when I watch a movie, it has to be something I think I'll truly like, not just because it's a blockbuster or everybody's ravin' about it. Whether it makes me think or makes me high with emotions, I try to savor the movie - you know, you appreciate a movie like food. Sometimes, a movie makes such a mark on me, I think about it the whole week. And here's the list - and my own review - of the movies I saw today.

1) Paranormal Activity (
    I guess with all the good reviews, I expected too much from this film. I was waiting to be scared the hell out of my chair but I wasn't. It's a story of a girl, named Katie, who had been haunted since she was 8. She now lives with a guy, named Micah, who bought a camera to record videos while they are sleeping so they can find out whether Katie is really experiencing supernatural things or one of their neighbours is just trying to play tricks on them. I think, in the real world, a guy - after seeing what happened to the ouija board and the supernatural foot marks - would have immediately sought help from experts. But Micah had to be this total macho and egoistic fool assuring Katie that it's his house and he can solve the problem. And Katie lets him talk her out of seeking professional help! And why, for cryin' out loud, can't they get a room in a hotel, away from the house and where there are lots of people around? Also, come to think of it, the hauntings mostly happen upstairs in the master bedroom where they sleep at night and they slept in that same room all throughout the movie until the end even after Katie said, several times, that she never wanted to go and sleep inside that room again. 'Nuff said.
2) The Box (
    I loved Cameron Diaz eversince the "There's Something About Mary" movie. However, hearing her in this movie with a southern twang did not sit nicely with me. Anyway, this movie made me think. It reminds me of Alfred Hitchcock's works. The story started when a couple received a mystery box with a red pushbutton on top. A disfigured man appeared in their doorstep on the same day who explained to them that they will receive the sum of 1 million dollars (tax free!) if they push the button but it also meant the death of someone they do not know. They can live comfortably (after all, they are in a tight spot, financially) but they have to bear the guilt that someone died for it. The story gets more complicated from this point forward. For me, it's something in between science fiction and religion - an alien invasion with the purpose of judging whether mankind is fit to be saved or exterminated because of their selflessness or greed, respectively. Overall, I liked this movie.
3) The Descent (
    I watched this movie because a blog featured in Yahoo! said it was one of the scariest movie of all time. It's a story of a woman (Sarah) and her group of friends who are fond of extreme adventures. Sarah's husband and child died on a freak road accident on the way back home from one of her escapades. She recovered and requested her girlfriends for another quest to help her gain back confidence and move on with her life. Juno, the most athletic and the one leading all their exploits, dishonestly brought them to an unknown and unexplored cave with the thought of getting the group more fun and adventure, but she got more than what she bargained for. Vicious humanlike creatures stalked, attacked and made dinner of them one by one in the darkness. The surprise and the gore excited me at first, but the underlying tension and deceit were what kept me fascinated to the end.

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